
BIAP – Belfield Infant Assessment Profile – Teacher’s Handbook

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B.I.A.P. – Belfield Infant Assessment Profile – Teacher’s Handbook and Resource Manual
The BIAP is a screening instrument designed to assist teachers in identifying the particular strengths and needs of children in the infants classes of primary schools in Ireland. It lays the foundation for a continuing process of structured observation, diagnostic remediation and recording of a child’s learning development as he/she progresses through primary school. It is also intended as a first stage in the continuing dialogue between teachers and parents on the education of the child. The BIAP is suitable for administration to pupils from ages 4 to 7 and norms are available at six-monthly intervals between the ages of 4 to 6 against which a pupil’s performance may be compared. Norms are also included for pupils within the age range 6 to 7 years to assist in the diagnosis of suspected learning difficulties for this cohort. However, the target group for whole class screening for which the BIAP is intended is the junior infant class or pupils within the approximate age range 4.00 to 6.00 years. Where necessary, selective assessment of groups or individuals outside this age range may be conducted. However their performance should always be evaluated with reference to the appropriate age norms and Diagnostic Profile Charts contained in the Pupil Profile Book.
Teacher Handbook & Resource Manualdetailing the development and validation of the BIAP and containing directions for its administration, recording and profiling and the remediation of the learning difficulties which it defines
The contents of this handbook and manual are as follows:
Section 1: Early screening for learning difficultiesSection 2: Development of the B.I.A.P.Section 3: Administration of the B.I.A.P.Section 4: Direction for screeningSection 5: Completing the pupil and class profilesSection 6: Remediating learning difficulties and devising an individualised education programme (I.E.P.)Section 7: Experimental validation of the B.I.A.P.Section 8: Resources for remedial intervention
Age Range: 4- 6+
ISBN: 9780861215225