Series of maths resource manuals for primary classes by Florence Gavin
Make Sure Maths is a series of 8 learning workbook covering the whole of the primary mathematics curriculum.
Features of Make Sure Maths:
Each book covers one year of the Irish primary school curriculumAnswers to all pages provided on easy to remove centre section3 assessment tests are included in each book
The scheme is designed to reinforce classroom learning and build confidencein Mathematics. Essential ingredients for success in Mathematics learning are understanding, accuracy and speed. Children need drill in numerical calculation to develop accuracy and speed. Assess these aspects of the child’s learning as you work through the book. The Assessment pages provide an opportunity to reflect on the child’s progress, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses the child may have. Build on those strengths and work on the weaknesses and the child will gain proficiency in a subject which will be used throughout his / her life.