S.A.L.F. – Self Assessment and Learning Folders – Teacher Guidelines (Primary)
‘Self Assessment and Learning Folders – Guidelines for Teachers’ is a comprehensive manual that provides teachers with a structured framework that bridges teacher-led learning and assessment with child-led learning and assessment. It provides a framework for teachers that enable children become more active in their own learning and in the assessment of that learning. The manual outlines classroom practices that support and enhance children’s assessment and learning using methodologies that best develop children’s competencies for peer and self-assessment.
It also clearly outlines the steps involved in creating, compiling and completing Self Assessment and Learning Folders with Junior, Middle and Senior Classes in the Primary school together with strategies for supporting the involvement of parents / guardians/ carers and others in the process. SALF Guidelines for Teachers (Primary) provides a framework for children to present evidence of their work and their assessment of that work across all curricular areas.
SALF provides a framework for children to present evidence of their work and their assessment of that work across all curricular areas.
The SALF process recognises both the role of the teacher as facilitator of the child as learner, and the central role the child occupies in the process.
The SALF Teacher Guidelines Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Building Blocks for SALF – Key classroom practices and strategies to enhance children’s learning in the classroom.Chapter 2: Self Assessment and Learning – Strategies and Methodologies for SALF – Strategic methodologies for SALF to develop children’s ability to engage in self and peer assessment.Chapter 3: Instructions for building SALF Junior Folders – The steps involved in compiling and completing a SALF folder for Junior Classes.Chapter 4: Instructions for building S.A.L.F. Middle & Senior Folders – The steps involved in compiling and completing a SALF folder for Middle and Senior Classes. The skills necessary for self-assessment when doing project work.Chapter 5: Self Assessment and Learning Folders beyond the Classroom – Strategies for supporting the involvement of parents/guardians/carers in the process.