
Newell Literacy Programme – Book 7

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Newell Literacy Programme Book 7
Multi-sensory, Phonetic, Sequential and success-orientated programme to help improve child and adult literacy skills in reading, writing and spelling.
Book Seven of the seven book Newell Literacy Programme.  
Book 7 introduces prefixes and suffixes. While it is excellent for pupils in the higher classes it could be used by Infants orally e.g. return, careless, unwell etc.
Table of Contents:
Lesson 1: -ly (e.g. swiftly)Lesson 2: -ful (e.g. helpful)Lesson 3: -fully (e.g. playfully)Lesson 4: -ness (e.g. kindness)Lesson 5: -tion (e.g. station – 2 syllable)Lesson 6: -tion (e.g.direction – 3 syllable)Lesson 7: -tion (e.g. conversation – 4 syllable)Lesson 8: -sion (e.g. tension)Lesson 9: -cian (e.g. musician)Lesson 10: -age (e.g. message)Lesson 11: -ic (e.g. plastic)Lesson 12: -less (e.g. harmless)Lesson 13: -ish (e.g. selfish)Lesson 14: -et (e.g. pocket)Lesson 15: -ture (e.g. picture)Lesson 16: -us (e.g. circus)Lesson 17: -ous (e.g. nervous)Lesson 18: -ant (e.g. instant)Lesson 19: -ance (e.g. entrance)Lesson 20: -ent (e.g. present)Lesson 21: -ence (e.g. silence)Lesson 22: RevisionLesson 23: -ment (e.g. refreshment)Lesson 24: -some (e.g. handsome)Lesson 25: -al (e.g. final)Lesson 26: -it (e.g. habit)Lesson 27: -ate (e.g. private – ‘it’)Lesson 28: -ate (e.g. debate – a is open)Lesson 29: -ive (e.g. active – ‘iv’)Lesson 30: -ice (e.g. office ‘is’Lesson 31: -ine (e.g. engine – ‘in’)Lesson 32: -ine (e.g. machine)Lesson 33: -ain (e.g. certain – ‘in’)Lesson 34: -ain (e.g. remain – a is open)Lesson 35: -er (e.g. teacher –  ‘ur’)Lesson 36: -or (e.g. actor – ‘ur’)Lesson 37: -ar (e.g. calendar – ‘ur’)Lesson 38: -ard (e.g. custard)Lesson 39: -able (e.g. portable)Lesson 40: -ible (e.g. possible)Lesson 41: RevisionLesson 42: ad- (e.g. admit)Lesson 43: ab- (e.g. abduct)Lesson 44: com- (e.g. combine)Lesson 45: con- (e.g. concert)Lesson 46: be- (e.g. become)Lesson 47: un- (e.g. unwell)Lesson 48: re- (e.g. refresh)Lesson 49: dis- (e.g. dislike)Lesson 50: mis- (e.g. mistake)Lesson 51: a- (e.g. about)Lesson 52: de- (e.g. decide)Lesson 53: sub- (e.g. subtract)Lesson 54: pro- (e.g. promote)Lesson 55: pre- (e.g. prepare)Lesson 56: per- (e.g. perfect)Lesson 57: in- (e.g. inhale)Lesson 58: ex- (e.g. exit)Lesson 59: ob- (e.g. object)Lesson 60: inter- (e.g. interval)Lesson 61: RevisionLesson 62: Advanced Prefixes

Age Suitability: Primary & Learning Support