ISBN: 9781857915723
Seidean Si Scheme 1stClass Leabhairini Droim Corcra Ceim 1 Oacaiste 3 Uaine Pack of 5 booksDuibhin agus Bainin, Am loin ar Scoil, Bronntanas do Mham, Rudai a Chonaic me, Dialann Ainin Aimsire1st Class Rang a hAonSeidean Si is a comprehensive, multimedia resource pack for teaching Irish, aimed specifically at Irish-medium and Gaeltacht schools but is suitable for use in other primary schools..This course includes guidebooks for the teacher, workbooks for the students, instructions on the teaching of reading, audio CDs in the three major dialects, subject-based lessons, games, posters, class novels, information books and picture cardsSeidean Si Cursa Gaeilge Bunscoile o Naionain Bheaga go Rang a Se