ISBN: 9780717159499
Published: 2014
Author: Ursula Mooney
This practical introduction to preparing financial statements – both manually and using integrated accounting software like TASBooks and Sage – is written for the revised Accounting Manual and Computerised [5N1348] and Bookkeeping Manual and Computerised [5N1354] modules.Outlines the basic principles of accounting, for example double entry bookkeeping, VAT and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).Demonstrates the preparation of final accounts for a sole trader and a company, including the processing of end-of-year adjustments to accounts.Presents basic computer principles and instructs on the application and use of integrated accounting packages (TASBooks and Sage) in the preparation of financial statements and the processing of end-of-year adjustments.Identifies the types and purpose of forecasts and budgets, such as cash flow and profit and loss forecasts, and the calculation of ratios.Explains and demonstrates bank reconciliation both manually and using TASBooks and Sage.Introduces a range of accounting terms and key accounting standards and concepts, including SSAPs, IFRSs, IASs, as well as consistency and prudence concepts.Explains the internal and external roles of the auditor.Demonstrates file management functions and system security in TASBooks and Sage.Written For:Accounting Manual and Computerised [5N1348] and Bookkeeping Manual and Computerised [5N1354], which form part of:Office AdministrationBusiness StudiesBusiness AdministrationeBusinessInformation ProcessingMarketingInternational TradeLegal StudiesTourism with Business